The company was primarily established with the goals of assisting small scale famers through farming technical skills enhancement and connection to markets, particularly export markets. In this pursuit, we have been involved in direct farming, networking with associations, providing trainings, etc; all with immense impacts on the social and economic lives of many people, especially women and youth from low income families.


Improving Farming Technologies

J J Agro Growers Limited has supported small scale farmers to improve farming technologies, from tilling to crop rotation to plough and usage of modern appliances in agriculture. But agricultural technologies do not come without their own drawbacks, such as the overutilization of pesticides and fertilizers. Thus, we take a closer look at a broader spectrum of impacts as farmers embrace the technologies.

One particular area of farming technology improvements has been crop rotation where farmers are advised to grow different crops on the same piece of land periodically. This helps to reduce a build-up of crop-specific pest and disease problems and it organizes groups of crops according to their cultivation needs.

Marketing products


By facilitating and connecting local farmers to various markets and making it possible that whatever is grown has a market, it encourage production and thus to have surplus which will become raw materials for our industries.

We are proving the notion that agriculture can be a source and foundation for economic development in Tanzania.


We JJ Agro Growers Limited provides direct employment for farmers, daily wage workers.

We hire staff with relevant skills and knowledge in this industry.

We have agronomists from reputable Universities and colleges specialized in different disciplines.

We have Food science specialists and Agribusiness to link between farms, marketing and logistics.

Pure organic

Yield increase

With the help of J J Agro Growers Limited team of agronomists and advances in both pesticides and fertilizers, farmers are better able to protect their crops.

As a result of this, they are able to increase their yield per acre, as a result of increased yield, farmers are able to grow various kinds of crops and are able to pass on the benefits to their consumers, resulting in fair and equitable rates.

Crop rotation

By us advising growing different crops on the same piece of land periodically.

Good crop rotation is a systematic succession of the three general classes of farm crops, namely, cultivated crops and grass crops.

This helps to reduce a build-up of crop-specific pest and disease problems and it organizes groups of crops according to their cultivation needs.

Our product value in many aspects.